Water Indonesia 2025

As Southeast Asia’s largest economy, major industrial and infrastructure development have occurred in Indonesia for the past five years. With fast growing population and rapid industrialisation, demand for water will increase exponentially especially in industrial and agricultural use, as these are one of the main driving for economic forces in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Thus proper water resources management system is required in order to have a sustainable water future in the country.
Water and wastewater treatment is an important issue in Indonesia. Indonesia’s water resources accounts for 6% of the world’s and 21% of Asia-Pacific’s. And yet 68% of rivers in Indonesia are heavily polluted. Of those, 70% are polluted by domestic waste, according to the Indonesian National Planning Agency. The total water availability in Indonesia is 690 × 109 cubic meters (m3 ) per year, which is a lot more than the demand of 175 × 109 m3 /year.
In Southeast Asia, the industrial water & wastewater treatment market is forecasted to reach beyond USD 5 Billion by 2024. With Indonesia being the largest economy in the region, it is expected to offer the largest potential market. The Government has set an ambitious plan through the National Medium Term Planning (RPJM) 2020-2024 which targeted 100% safe access of drinking water supply by 2024 which will need a total investment of IDR 253,8 trillion. The Government was also allocating IDR 16 trillion (USD 1.163 billion) in 2018 for sanitation infrastructure in Indonesia. The capital designated was to manage wastewater produced by 853,000 households, as well as to construct clean water facilities and water treatment plants.
All companies from Europe & Australia / NZ, please contact Frank Bode by phone +49-151-70197434 or e-mail frank@merebo.com
JIExpo Kemayoran, Hall D1
PT Pamerindo Indonesia
Europe & Australia/NZ Pavilion
MEREBO GmbH - Messe International
JIExpo Kemayoran, Hall D1
PT Pamerindo Indonesia
Europe & Australia/NZ Pavilion
MEREBO GmbH - Messe International
Scope of Exhibits
+ Water Resources Management
+ Waste Water Treatment
+ Filtration Technology & Equipment
+ Industrial Water & Wastewater Treatment
+ Pump & Valves Accessories
+ Water Resources Management
+ Waste Water Treatment
+ Filtration Technology & Equipment
+ Industrial Water & Wastewater Treatment
+ Pump & Valves Accessories